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US candidates hold final rallies before election day

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Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have been criss-crossing America in a final push for votes before election day.Both have been holding rallies in the battleground states of North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Michigan.Mrs Clinton urged voters to back a “hopeful, inclusive, big-hearted America” while Mr Trump told supporters they had a “magnificent chance to beat the corrupt system”.Polls give Democrat Mrs Clinton a four-point lead over Republican Mr Trump.A record number of Americans – more than 46m – have voted early by post or at polling stations.There are signs of a high turnout among Hispanic voters, which is believed to favour Mrs Clinton.It follows a bitter campaign during which the candidates have traded insults and become mired in a series of scandals.At a star-studded event in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Mrs Clinton was joined on stage by celebrities Bruce Springsteen and Jon Bon Jovi as well as her husband Bill, President Obama and his wife Michelle.Mr Obama urged voters to “reject fear and choose hope”.Her final campaign stop is a midnight “get out the vote” event in Raleigh, North Carolina, which is due to feature Lady Gaga.Earlier she said in a radio interview that if she won she would call Mr Trump and hoped he would play a “constructive role” in helping to bring the country together.At his rally in Scranton in the same state, Mr Trump insisted the momentum was with his campaign.His final event is a rally in Grand Rapids, Michigan.He had earlier told supporters in Florida that he was “not a politician” and that they were his “only special interest


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